Monthly Archives: April 2016


I’ll tell you what.  This immigration thing needs some serious attention.  We just can’t have people like this walking around in all our cities and being so un-American.   All this stink up going on about shifty people slipping across our borders brings to mind something that happened to me a couple years back.   I drove to work one early fall morning with my lights on and realized when I tried to start my car to go home in the late afternoon, I had forgotten to turn them off.

We have two cars.  One of them will emit a ding-ding-ding sound if you shut the car off in this particular situation, as a considerate  reminder that you are a moron about to leave your car with the lights on.   Unfortunately that day I was driving our car that was not so equipped.   In my defense it was dark when I left home that morning, but the sun was up when I reached my destination, so my lights by then were not illuminating anything around me.  But still the circumstance is in itself surprising because the car I was driving was a Toyota.  I have always thought the Japanese are ever-intuitive and would have the foresight to anticipate the need for such a device, particularly in their cars they sell in the good ol’ USA.  As a group Americans kind of like to shift responsibly to others and a lot of times have others do our work for us.  And we are always in a big hurry.  I think you would have to agree the Japanese really fucked up there.

This happened back in the days when I considered a cell phone a cumbersome burden, and frankly those days are still going on.  My wife is always chewing my ass out for leaving my phone on my desk. To be honest with you, if I do happen to remember my cell phone nowadays, it’s only because the one I have now is photo capable and I want to be sure to have it on hand if I’m in a traffic accident so I can take a picture of all the damage you inflict on my car.  Believe me I am going to go panorama ballistic, so you better hope you’re not driving around with your mistress or alter boy.

I went back into the Target building I worked at that day, fussed through the Yellow Pages and finally contacted a  service station in the area that still did some field service work.  They told me it would be at least a half hour before they could get to me, and told me to put the hood up on my car so they could locate it when they finally did arrive in the parking lot.

Drunk man in car with a bottle alcohol

Me Passing Time While Waiting for a Service Truck

I sat in my car fidgeting and mentally making fun of every passer-by.  I have to tell you I did consider there might be a remote possibility that someone seeing my hood up would make an offer to jump start my car, but that presented a dilemma I have always wrestled with.  I do not want to owe anyone anything.  It’s just the way I operate.  But in a desperate situation, I have been known to accept an accommodation, and at that time I was willing to trample this particular rule of mine.  But I am a pragmatist and held little hope for any assistance from a typical American shopper.  People have things to do and must be on their way.  Who can blame them?   I do the same thing all the time.  If you happen to be in a parking lot with the hood of your car up, don’t count on me helping you out.  It’s not that I am calloused, it’s just that I am pretty sure you have similar feelings and I  don’t want you to feel an obligation is in order.  I hate making people uncomfortable.  And as it turned out I had no need to worry.  At least thirty people scurried by without so much as eye contact.

Well over a half hour of waiting, a beat up pickup truck passed in front of my car, stopped, then backed up.  A young hispanic man stepped out of the truck and approached my open widow.  I thought about rolling it up, but by the time I deliberated where to hide my wallet it was too late.  To my surprise he asked if I needed a jump.  Actually the asking part was not performed in a normal American way.  Because neither of us could communicate in our vernacular language, the conversation was conducted as a series of one word sentences accompanied by some awkward hand maneuvers.  Reluctantly I said “Si,” which happens to be about the extent of my Spanish.  Ever alert to the possibility of shenanigans, I discreetly slipped my wallet underneath my drivers seat and walked to the front of my car.

The young man retrieved jumper cables from the back of his truck, and we both connected them to the appropiate battery terminals of our vehicles.  Twenty seconds later my car was up and running.  Hoping this good Samaritan would not recognize my embarrassment, I quickly walked back to my car seat and retrieved my wallet.  When he saw me digging inside of the imitation leather, he adamantly kept saying “No, no.”  I kept trying to hand him a ten dollar bill but he would not take it.  I tried to tell him ten dollars was a bargain for me, because he had probably saved me a fifty dollar service call.  But he still refused and summed up his feelings about the situation by repeating over and over “Today you, tomorrow me,” an obvious karma type of reference that carried with it the inference that I would one day do the same for him or someone else.

To this day I am overcome with guilt when I recall that episode in my life.  That part I mentioned about not helping you if you need a jump someday- that is still my position.  What kind of piece of shit am I?  You’ll never convince me I’m a total asshole though, because as everyone knows there’s a good chance the only reason you have your hood up is to lure me to stop so you  can rob me at gun-point.  But still.  You see what happens when we let nice people into our country?  They make us feel like pond scum. They just don’t fit in with the rest of us.

Below are some photos of regular Americans and one irregular immigrant.  See if you can pick out the one that has no proof of citizenship.

Man with Rifle and Beer  Unknown Depositphotos_66178161_s-2015 Old angry woman threatening with a cane Grumpy Man Giving the Middle Finger


Old jew with book   Bandit Mexican revolver mustache gunman sombrero   Nikko_Jenkins_booking_photo 42 Fat angry man


If you’re like most Americans you zeroed right in on the man wearing the sombrero, but you are embarrassingly mistaken.  Look carefully- he’s holding pistols in both hands.  He couldn’t be more American.  Of course you have to rule out all the other guys with guns and a couple of these fellas are thankfully locked up in American prisons, but that doesn’t make them less American.  The guy in the tan shirt and the rabbi are my neighbors, and the woman is my aunt Agnes. I got this shot of her with my Gopro this Holloween.  I showed up at her door dressed as an Arab and she really came after me with that cane.   Yup, the troublemaker is the guy dressed up like Elvis.  That’s how those sneaky bastards slip into our country.  I bet you didn’t know that.  Now that you do, be a good American and report any Elvis sightings to the authorities.




Good Idea/Bad Idea  What do you think about this?  Is this a good idea or a bad one?  Of course it’s a bad idea.  Trump wing-nuts are all set to stage a riot, so a gun would come in handy for all those guys.  It would only follow classic gun logic that as a matter of self defense people in the anti-Trump camp won’t feel comfortable unless they are all toting a firearm as well and properly equipped to fire back.  Who can blame them?  This has all the makings of a modern day shoot-out at the OK Corral, only on a much grander scale.

Only thing is, it turns out this petition is something along the lines of a hoax. It was likely drafted by some unknown gun control proponent as a way to force Republican presidential candidates to put their money where their mouths are.  However, during the period of time that this “petition” was considered credible, none of them were willing to dip into their bankroll of personal principles and actually say they support such a crazy idea.  I wonder what kind of grade the NRA will be handing out to these hypocrites this semester.

Self preservation is a core basic instinct.  Though none of the Republican presidential hopefuls will admit it, they would be scared shitless to walk into a way overcrowded room full of jittery , gun-waving revelers.  That is inviting disaster at a convention during a normal political year, and this year is the complete polar opposite of normal.  The Republican Party has an atomic wedgie up their butt crack over a Trump candidacy, and if there is one thing the Republicans are good at it’s preventing stuff from happening.  I have a feeling they’ll make up some new rules at the convention that will guarantee the Trump scenario does not occur.  The shit will really hit the fan then my friends,

The Republican candidates would in no way be willing to go out on a limb and say open carry is a good idea at their convention because they understand full well how gunpowder could ignite into chaos in an overcharged political climate.  Just in case some of you don’t understand how reflexively reactive gun culture can be, I thought I would break it down it in scientific terms. Let’s just say for the fun of it this “petition” actually bore fruit.  Here is a brief physiological description of what people would have to be prepared for on the convention floor:

Any loud, startling sound is apt to trigger a sense of panic that will induce the brain to muster up and send a bunch of nervous electrons along the nerve chain directly to the asshole, where they will attempt to paralyze the anal sphincter of Trump and anti-Trump supporters alike.  That is job number one for our electron armies.  Their initial task is to clamp all those muscles down tight so there is no shitting of the pants.  Sometimes they are able to take care of business, sometimes not so much.  It’s stinky down there, so often times they can only take so much and then  they high-tail it to our fingers in order to get as far away as possible.   It’s all part of our natural flight/fight reflex.  Look it up if you don’t believe me.  So if there are a bunch of acutely anxious people at the Republican convention, expect some index fingers to get over-stimulated.  And should  a bunch of people have a bunch of guns, what’s your guess all those index fingers will want to do?  Remember, we’re talking electrons here.  Electrical shit has a natural affinity for anything metal.  And keep in mind electrons aren’t just taking an evening stroll along the beach.  They move really fast.- like Usain Bolt fast if Usain Bolt was allowed to compete in the 100 meter dash by driving a Helios II spacecraft that has been given an extra shove by a supernova blast.  So now that you have been reintroduced to  human neurology and understand how fast things can go wrong, I think you have to agree this is a bad idea, unless you don’t particularly care for Republicans.


ABOVE:  Image of an electron nucleus at rest multiplied by 10 to the eight hundred forty six quad trillionth power.

Read this.   This leads up to my good idea of the week.   A half million people attended this concert.  Holy shit!  You know what I think?  If we could somehow get the Stones to sneak into Syria and start playing, it would lead to peace in the entire region.  Such a simple solution at little cost.  Give the people what they want for a change.   Just look at Cuba.  Those poor people were starved for Mick and Keith.  “You  can’t always get what you want ” should become the world’s anthem.  If you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.  Stones for World Peace!