Category Archives: Environment


A few days ago during his visit to MacDill Air Force Base, President Trump made the bazaar remark that the media was deliberately not reporting terrorists attacks (for reference, see crazy shit here).  The media is involved in a cover-up.  WTF!?  We are absolutely inundated with news about terroristic mayhem.  I have nightmares about some of the horrific video. What in the hell is this man talking about?  When pressured to produce a list of these mysteriously unreported attacks, the White House provided one that listed 78 attacks that for the most part were covered, many were covered extensively,  and those that were not were obscure or not even identified as having anything to do with an actual terrorist.  What is going on in this guy’s head?

The contradictory list is bad enough, but the president made that crazy statement that inferred there was some sort of media conspiracy going on “They (media) have their reasons and you understand that.” (part of italicized sentences in above article and in video below).  No, I don’t understand that or any of this bull shit you are throwing out here, and neither did anyone in the befuddled military audience you were addressing.   Suspiciously missing from this White House list were attacks on U.S. soil perpetrated by non-Muslims, and most glaringly, also omitted from this list were attacks on some countries most devastated by religious extremists.  And of course there are the misspellings included that have to make you wonder just how more disjointed can this administration get.  Where are they getting their information anyway?

It turns out, a good portion of it comes from right wing-nut Alex Jones and his fake news blog “InfoWars.”   Trump’s information source.  Jones is the guy that believes the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax.  InforWars is probably where Trump latched onto his ridiculous idea that 3 to 5 million people voted illegally.  This is the President of the United States! He gets his information from a fake-news organization.   I’m telling you there is something wrong with his head.

Alex Jones

So contrary to Mr. Trump’s assertion, we have plenty of reporting about terrorist activity.  What we are sorely lacking, however, is in depth reporting about THIS.  There were at least TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY Pipeline spills in 2016. 220!  Pipeline Spills.  How many do you remember getting reported?  And now Trump has officially revived the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines.  We don’t need anymore damn pipelines.  We are not taking care of the ones we already have.  There is practically zero oversight of these things.  There are at least eight crude or refined oil pipelines traversing the Missouri right now, and I don’t know how many other toxic chemical and gas pipelines,  What we need is some serious pipeline vetting and carbon source pull-back.   There are so many earthquakes going on in Oklahoma because of all the fracking who knows when one will crack open one of those hidden tunnels lurking underneath the Missouri River. Pipeline proponents will point out they are perfectly safe.  And that is true.  Until they aren’t.


Trouble in Texas

Geezuz!  We’re invading Texas?  What for?  I know there’s lots of oil there.  And we do like to launch a nice invasion of anyplace we suspect might have more than their fair share of that stuff.   But I don’t think those Texans are hoarding it for themselves.  Then again there are all those pipelines that end up in Texas.  I never thought about it before,  but I really don’t know where all that oil goes.  Do you?  Maybe  the people of Texas know something we don’t and are afraid to speak up.  And then Texans seem to really like their guns.  I bet they are lying around all over the place.   There’s a good chance we could supply the entire US army with something to shoot with if we could sneak into Texas and make a  gun-grab.  That would have to provide some relief for an over-extended military budget.  Maybe that’s what Obama is thinking.  Then we could save some army money and spend it more wisely on an invasion of North Dakota.  There’s a shit load of oil up there.  It all works the same.  Take a look for yourself.

images-2                               images-1

Texas Oil                                                           North Dakota Oil

Texas Home Gun Cabinet

Texas Home Gun Cabinet

So Texas has oil and guns.  And lots of Walmarts.  I bet you didn’t know this, but the army is at this very moment connecting all the Walmarts in Texas with underground tunnels.  This information was top secret until just recently.  My guess is someone finally picked up on something Edward Snowden said when he let all those cats out of the bag.  But no one seems to know how long this has been going on, so don’t be surprised if an army guy pops out of the ground and snatches your guns.  Too bad if they tunnel smack dab into the side of an oil well.  All those tunnels would suddenly be full of men in camouflage treading oil.  What a hoot!

I guess they have a bunch of longhorn steers in Texas.  I almost forgot about that.  Maybe that’s what Obama is after.  I bet he is trying to corner the beef market by shipping all our cattle to Kenya.  Wait though.  Do Muslims eat beef?

Oh, thank God!  I just found out we should only be sort of slightly worried about any of this.  It’s not like its a for sure, 100% deal.  Ted Cruz went and checked everything out for us.  Till I studied up a little I wasn’t all that familiar with him, but for your information he is some kind of super Texas patriot that goes around making sure everything is on the up and up government wise.  He really knows how to do all that serious fact checking stuff.  Not only did he make a phone call to some hot shots at the pentagon and make all of them pinky-swear there is no kind of military take-over of Texas going on, but he has been traveling state wide this week assuring constituents they can count on him to stop this fascist maneuvering in its tracks.  No one is going to pull a fast one on Ted Cruz, let me tell you.  And its not just political stumping he’s doing.  He’s done some stomping too, like stomping his foot all around on the ground to make sure no one is doing some sneaky tunneling shit right underneath him.  Every Texan should be thanking the blessed Lord they have a wise man like Ted Cruz watching after them.  Ted has done the research and he is almost pretty sure he has saved Texas once again.  Like he says though, you never know.  To a typical Texan these seem to be logical concerns, so naturally Ted Cruz couldn’t agree more.  Nothing is certain, that’s for sure.  All this government interference just might propel him to finally push for what all of Texas seems to frantically desire- secession from the union.   I say let’s all do everything we can to help out.  It’s just the right thing to do.