Monthly Archives: November 2020


Mr. President.  You won!  What you have secured, quite possibly for a time well into the next decade, is the imperishable devotion of an entire politcal party. I realize at present it is difficult for you to dwell on anything but the sting of losing the election, but for Pete’s sake you received 72 million votes! That’s pushing 10 million more than you got last time. That’s nothing to shake your Sharpie at.  47% of the voting public loves you! You are the Republican party, it’s driving force.   No one can take that away from you, apparently because there is no one in the Republican party hierarchy that has not had their testicles revoked.

You have got to quit moping about and look at the bigger picture here.  You still can be THE MAN!  Think about it.  Despite having no political experience and known cheifly as the star of a mindless reality TV show, you captured the attention, and still retain the admiration, of millions of Americans.  Amazingly, much of the nation at large saw  something in you, a crude rawness that holds the kind of attraction likened to the power of Neodymium magnetism.  Even though you lost the election, surely you must realize how fortunate you are to be able to continue to live in your very own enchanting reality.  It will be forever historically quesioned how someone like you, with a propensity for screwing, litterally and figuratively, practically anyone who veered into your business and social orbit, was  an unabashed racist, a man with monumental business failures that were providentially bailed out by a rich father or abstracted financial institution, was a proud draft dodger and tax cheat with no conscious regard for the truth, was born into silver spoon and golden toilet privilege completely detached from the common man, who in fact quite often publicly loathed anyone he considered socially and economically  beneath him,  was regardlessly deemed by so many  to be just what the country needed and clamored for.  You sir, are a staggering testament to what can be achieved with little more than an aptitude for unscupulous fortitude.

But damn it man, we really need some  leadership right now.  This virus is out of control and no doubt is about to get even worse.  It is nearly certain that within two weeks after Thanksgiving many of our nation’s hospitals will exceed capacity.  And ya, great, the stock market hit 30,000, but have you seen the 21st centurry bread lines going on.  I know you watch TV.  Those are people waiting anxiously for basic sustenance, not hanging around in hopes of receiving a hot equities tip. It is obvious you are emotionally checked out.  If you don’t want the job, why are you so doggedly struggling to get it back. It’s understandable that you would be exhausted. But as president, you need to suck it up.  You can’t play golf and watch TV all day.  Not now. The country is in crisis.  Do something, anything, like, get in front of the cameras and tell everyone to mask up. It is you and you alone those gripped with intransigence will listen to. You’re the supreme dealmaker.  Stoke a fire under Senator McConnell and get a relief package passed so the recently impoverished can eat and pay rent.  You fought a valiant fight.  You might have lost the election, but you, Donald Trump, are a loser only if you don’t finish what you have been elected to do- serve the people.