Category Archives: Social Issues

Toxic Masculinity

I read stuff.  And every once in awhile I come across something that is so timely and pertinent that I wonder why it is news to me.  Toxic masculinity is a term that strikes me as falling into that category.  I am not sure how prevalent the term is, but for me credit is due Amanda Marcotte of  The abridgment of her article appears in a July edition of The Week magazine, something I read regularly.  I don’t know if she is the originator of the term.  For all I know it might actually be an official diagnosis in a  compendium of psychiatric disorders.   But my point is I heard about it and wonder why I haven’t heard about it before.

To paraphrase Ms. Marcotte’s article, toxic masculinity is a distorted form of manhood geared toward dominance and control, views women and gays as inferior, valorizes violence, and glamorizes guns.  And while toxic masculinity aspires to toughness, it is rooted in a fear of being soft, weak, emasculated.  Almost all mass killers share this fear.

This article appeared in The Week magazine shortly after Omar Mateen went berserk in Orlando.  From what I have read about him, toxic masculinity would seem to describe his psychological state, in a layman’s fashion anyway.   But there are so many examples of this exhibited by people we see every day walking around in our communities.  Take “Bluto” here for instance:

Makes you proud to be an American.  We have all seen a guy like this at one time or another.  They love political rallies, but lots of times they are at the ball park embarrassing themselves a few rows up from you and totally ruining your day. OK.  That guy might be just an obnoxious drunk.  But he’s so unsavory you have to label him as semi-toxic at least.   The point is these guys are all over the place.  Maybe you had a confrontation with one.  Yikes!  What do you suppose the deal is with the bare chest?  You think he wants to show off his sculpted torso or his tattoos?  He might want to be careful.  He’s got two nipples hanging out there.

Here’s the thing about nipples.  I’m just postulating here, but I think my theory dove-tails nicely with masculine toxicity.   I’ve been thinking on this for several hours.   On a man nipples are confusing.  What the fuck are they doing on a guy’s chest anyway?  They don’t seem to posses any evolutionary advantage in any way.  Bluto might want to be aware not only does he have nipples, but there’s some estrogen flowing around in his chest and elsewhere. Unlike nipples, guys need estrogen- for maintaining bone mass, and believe it or not, some is needed for normal erectile function.

You suppose that female stuff could all of a sudden start surging or something and make Bluto get all girly.  I think it’s possible.  It could be a big worry for him.  I bet that’s why he is lashing out.  Maybe its not testosterone overload that’s pushing his buttons.  Raging hormones is something attributed to women as well as men. What exactly causes all the fuss is unpredictable.  I imagine we all go through a hormonal roller coaster ride now and then.   I’m just sayin’.  All the ebb and flow of different hormones probably has something to do with feelings of sexual identity.  It just makes sense.  What guy doesn’t feel a little uncomfortable watching “Brokeback Mountain”, or even “Bird Cage.”  Bluto would probably say the movies are disgusting, when possibly, deep down, he’s a little worried he just might be suppressing some underlying attraction.  My guess is it’s not muscles or tattoos Bluto wants to show off.   It’s his nipples- like so many women liked to do as a form of protest in the 60’s.  I came to appreciate the gesture  back then.  Now- not so much.  Toxic masculinity explains a lot.  Geezuz Bluto put your shirt back on and go get help.  Your insecurity is showing.


Original, more sexually secure Bluto








Or how about this guy.

Quake State

It was about seven in the morning this Sunday when my house started shaking.  I knew what it was, because I’d experienced the seismic wave of a far away earthquake once before.  That was when I was a kid in 1959, when a huge quake occurred in Yellowstone National Park and the shock shook my parents house in Sheridan WY 250 miles away.  But even though I was not confused about that ten second earth-spasming event, I was still alarmed.  I have a nice home.  I started to imagine the worse, something I do kind of regularly, but not in the way you might think.  I don’t consider myself to be a pessimist.  I simply like to analyze stuff and think ahead, something I took away from Boys Scouts long ago.  Be prepared.  Like, I just filled in a cavity in a small retaining wall in my back yard that a den of snakes was living it up in, and now I bet the timbers shifted around enough so those damn snakes will just make themselves at home back there once again.  Or worse, what if somewhere a coupling on my natural gas line got loosened up and my house exploded.  I guess at least that would take care of my fucking snake problem.

But here’s the thing.  Yellowstone is a natural hotbed of seismic activity.  There are thousands of earthquakes happening there every day.  They are very natural phenomena.  Takes a lot of pressure off the hydrothermal plumbing.  Sunday’s quake was not a natural phenomenon. The center of that thing was in northern Oklahoma, a good 400 miles from where I live now in Omaha.  Oklahoma too, has a lot of earthquakes, fifty or so a year.  That wasn’t always the case.  Used to be a couple a year, like most places in the midwest.  What happened to Oklahoma is oil fracking.  That’s not natural at all.  The state of Oklahoma is our nation’s gold medal champion of human-induced earthquakes.

But there is a new contender emerging- North Dakota.  Part of the Bakken Oil Field lies just underneath the western soil of about a third of that state.  Bakken oil shale brought jobs and prosperity to North Dakota, and it brought a lot of misery and- fracking.  You can find hundreds of articles written about the good and the bad about North Dakota’s oil boom.  One of the best I’ve read is this one.  It is really long.  If you don’t have time  to to read it, I feel compelled to point out one thing that caught my eye.  Deep into this text is a conversation a rancher, Brenda Jorgenson, had with a  state oil regulator.  Brenda recalled a discussion the two of them had about the waste pit near the oil well on their land.  He claimed that the plastic liner- the barrier between the toxic liquid in the pit and soil- would last for 40 years.  When Ms. Jorgenson voiced concerns, the regulator’s reply was “You won’t be around after that anyway.  What do you care what happens after you’re gone.”

I love the sate of North Dakota.  I went to high school there.  In my opinion it is getting raped by big oil.  Again, just my opinion. But the bust is already occurring in a few western ND cities.  The state of North Dakota, as well as you and I, can take heart though.  There is at least one dedicated group out there trying to save us from ourselves- the Native Americans living on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.  There is an oil pipeline under construction to carry oil from North Dakota to Illinois.  The charted path of the pipeline runs along the reservation’s northern border at some point.  Concerned about a future pipeline spill, and disruption of sacred tribal land, the people living on the reservation are protesting.  They have brought construction to a halt and it is getting a little ugly.  That’s about all you need to know, but in case you’re interested, here is more information.

Well, I guess there is another thing you should know.  The pipeline as mapped is going to run under the Missouri River.  What the fuck are these oil douchebags thinking?  How catastrophic would a busted pipeline be if oil gushes into the Missouri River.  I drink that water.   It is a known fact there is little oversight of our already vast network of oil pipelines, and guess what is in all likelihood going to be consistently happening with all the fracking going on in North Dakota.  It will be Oklahoma.2.  You can bet all the shaking has the potential to wreck havoc with any kind of piece of shit pipeline.  Geezuz these guys piss me off.  To them everything is just fine because we are perfectly safe- for 40 years anyway.

italy-quake                                                    130px-IowaTipi

Non-quake Reistant Structure                                                          Quake Resistant Structure


I’ll tell you what.  This immigration thing needs some serious attention.  We just can’t have people like this walking around in all our cities and being so un-American.   All this stink up going on about shifty people slipping across our borders brings to mind something that happened to me a couple years back.   I drove to work one early fall morning with my lights on and realized when I tried to start my car to go home in the late afternoon, I had forgotten to turn them off.

We have two cars.  One of them will emit a ding-ding-ding sound if you shut the car off in this particular situation, as a considerate  reminder that you are a moron about to leave your car with the lights on.   Unfortunately that day I was driving our car that was not so equipped.   In my defense it was dark when I left home that morning, but the sun was up when I reached my destination, so my lights by then were not illuminating anything around me.  But still the circumstance is in itself surprising because the car I was driving was a Toyota.  I have always thought the Japanese are ever-intuitive and would have the foresight to anticipate the need for such a device, particularly in their cars they sell in the good ol’ USA.  As a group Americans kind of like to shift responsibly to others and a lot of times have others do our work for us.  And we are always in a big hurry.  I think you would have to agree the Japanese really fucked up there.

This happened back in the days when I considered a cell phone a cumbersome burden, and frankly those days are still going on.  My wife is always chewing my ass out for leaving my phone on my desk. To be honest with you, if I do happen to remember my cell phone nowadays, it’s only because the one I have now is photo capable and I want to be sure to have it on hand if I’m in a traffic accident so I can take a picture of all the damage you inflict on my car.  Believe me I am going to go panorama ballistic, so you better hope you’re not driving around with your mistress or alter boy.

I went back into the Target building I worked at that day, fussed through the Yellow Pages and finally contacted a  service station in the area that still did some field service work.  They told me it would be at least a half hour before they could get to me, and told me to put the hood up on my car so they could locate it when they finally did arrive in the parking lot.

Drunk man in car with a bottle alcohol

Me Passing Time While Waiting for a Service Truck

I sat in my car fidgeting and mentally making fun of every passer-by.  I have to tell you I did consider there might be a remote possibility that someone seeing my hood up would make an offer to jump start my car, but that presented a dilemma I have always wrestled with.  I do not want to owe anyone anything.  It’s just the way I operate.  But in a desperate situation, I have been known to accept an accommodation, and at that time I was willing to trample this particular rule of mine.  But I am a pragmatist and held little hope for any assistance from a typical American shopper.  People have things to do and must be on their way.  Who can blame them?   I do the same thing all the time.  If you happen to be in a parking lot with the hood of your car up, don’t count on me helping you out.  It’s not that I am calloused, it’s just that I am pretty sure you have similar feelings and I  don’t want you to feel an obligation is in order.  I hate making people uncomfortable.  And as it turned out I had no need to worry.  At least thirty people scurried by without so much as eye contact.

Well over a half hour of waiting, a beat up pickup truck passed in front of my car, stopped, then backed up.  A young hispanic man stepped out of the truck and approached my open widow.  I thought about rolling it up, but by the time I deliberated where to hide my wallet it was too late.  To my surprise he asked if I needed a jump.  Actually the asking part was not performed in a normal American way.  Because neither of us could communicate in our vernacular language, the conversation was conducted as a series of one word sentences accompanied by some awkward hand maneuvers.  Reluctantly I said “Si,” which happens to be about the extent of my Spanish.  Ever alert to the possibility of shenanigans, I discreetly slipped my wallet underneath my drivers seat and walked to the front of my car.

The young man retrieved jumper cables from the back of his truck, and we both connected them to the appropiate battery terminals of our vehicles.  Twenty seconds later my car was up and running.  Hoping this good Samaritan would not recognize my embarrassment, I quickly walked back to my car seat and retrieved my wallet.  When he saw me digging inside of the imitation leather, he adamantly kept saying “No, no.”  I kept trying to hand him a ten dollar bill but he would not take it.  I tried to tell him ten dollars was a bargain for me, because he had probably saved me a fifty dollar service call.  But he still refused and summed up his feelings about the situation by repeating over and over “Today you, tomorrow me,” an obvious karma type of reference that carried with it the inference that I would one day do the same for him or someone else.

To this day I am overcome with guilt when I recall that episode in my life.  That part I mentioned about not helping you if you need a jump someday- that is still my position.  What kind of piece of shit am I?  You’ll never convince me I’m a total asshole though, because as everyone knows there’s a good chance the only reason you have your hood up is to lure me to stop so you  can rob me at gun-point.  But still.  You see what happens when we let nice people into our country?  They make us feel like pond scum. They just don’t fit in with the rest of us.

Below are some photos of regular Americans and one irregular immigrant.  See if you can pick out the one that has no proof of citizenship.

Man with Rifle and Beer  Unknown Depositphotos_66178161_s-2015 Old angry woman threatening with a cane Grumpy Man Giving the Middle Finger


Old jew with book   Bandit Mexican revolver mustache gunman sombrero   Nikko_Jenkins_booking_photo 42 Fat angry man


If you’re like most Americans you zeroed right in on the man wearing the sombrero, but you are embarrassingly mistaken.  Look carefully- he’s holding pistols in both hands.  He couldn’t be more American.  Of course you have to rule out all the other guys with guns and a couple of these fellas are thankfully locked up in American prisons, but that doesn’t make them less American.  The guy in the tan shirt and the rabbi are my neighbors, and the woman is my aunt Agnes. I got this shot of her with my Gopro this Holloween.  I showed up at her door dressed as an Arab and she really came after me with that cane.   Yup, the troublemaker is the guy dressed up like Elvis.  That’s how those sneaky bastards slip into our country.  I bet you didn’t know that.  Now that you do, be a good American and report any Elvis sightings to the authorities.




The Power of Non-Diversity

Let’s say you are an executive at any drug manufacturing company in America with hiring responsibilities.  You have interviewed several candidates for an open sales position in upper Michigan.  The choice comes down to two candidates with equal experience and qualifications.  Here are their pictures.  Which one do you hire?

sexy girl in a red dress with a chic hair Depositphotos_33842503_xs





   Candidate #1                                                                                                  Candidate #2

Of course it’s candidate number one!  In fact, there is no doubt in my mind candidate number two would get shut out even if he came into the interviewing room holding hands with the Surgeon General.  It’s just the way it is in pharmaceutical sales.  That seems to be the case with most local and national television news channels as well.  Just take a look at Fox News.  Even ESPN, for years the exclusive domaine of the American male, is moving ever forward in this direction.  And who’s to say the policy doesn’t work. It would with ESPN, you would have to think.  I mean the audience has got to be close to 90% male. Most of the good looking blonds are relegated to sideline reporting anyway.  That job is mostly for show, not substance, so I guess I’d rather be looking at one of them than, say, Tony Siragusa.  Filling payroll slots with someone that’s easy on the eyes couldn’t possibly hurt.  Oh, whoops!  I forgot about Britt McHenry.  It never fails.  It’s just a matter of time before people that self-absorbed end up embarrassing themselves.  An attempt like Britt’s to save face is like trying to bail out of burning airplane by pulling the rip-cord on a shit parachute- the thing isn’t going to open right, you’re going to hit the ground with a thud, and you’ll end up covered with shit.  I say get rid of her, and eliminate the sideline reporting altogether.  What purpose does it serve anyway?   You can tell by the stupid questions asked that the networks and professional teams control content of the questions in the first place.  I hope that’s the case anyway.  The same stupid questions get asked over and over.  If any of these questions are actually an original thought coming from the brain of a sideline reporter, my guess is it’s all her mouth can do to keep from hiding under the bleachers in embarrassment.

When I first started practicing pharmacy, things were really different.  That was 1970.  For at least ten years I never encountered a female of any description hawking drug products.  It was all guys.  In fact. my pharmacy class was 80% male.  It was practically an all male professional world, from top to bottom.  Of course that’s all changed.  Towards the end of my career I became dumbstruck by the number of good looking blonds pharmaceutical companies were hiring.  Not that they spend much time in a pharmacy.  Those days are over also.  As I got older the only reason they came into my pharmacy was to drop off savings coupons for their over-priced drugs, and the sooner they left after the coupon drop off, the better for them  That’s because they didn’t want to have anything to do with explaining how much time is completely wasted trying to load computer data off their precious coupons in order process them.  But in the scheme of things I suppose there’s a fruitful payoff for hiring hot blonds as pharmaceutical sales reps.  Physician contact is what pharmaceutical sales are all about and male ones, at least, are much more responsive to eye candy.   It’s no secret drug companies mince and dice all kinds of data, and know how to manipulate it as well.  But I’d be curious to see the statistical evidence they use to conclude hot blonds are the way to go in pharmaceutical sales.  It seems to me the guys in whatever department this would be making this kind of decision have to believe they have fortuitously fallen into the arms of the mother of all sweet jobs.  I wonder if they take their work home with them?

Looking back, if you didn’t know the circumstances you might think my hiring practices followed a similar pattern.  When I first started working for Target late in my career, I happened to hire four consecutive cute women as pharmacy personnel.  I guess my only accomplishment in the way of diversity was at least two of them were brunettes.  But I didn’t deliberately go out of my way to bring only cute girls on board.   I am absolutely guiltless as far as any charge of ignoring diversity goes.  I was desperate on all occasions and hired the first person that wanted the job.  They all had very good credentials and I wanted all to start working as soon as possible.  They just fell into my lap.  Not that way of course.  What I mean is I got lucky.  Again, not in the way you are thinking.  Is it just me or is it really hot in here?  To be continued.



Mom’s 15 minutes (going on 15 days) of Shame

HEADLINE:  70 teens ticketed for MIP at party    DATELINE:  Any Saturday night in America

Another one of these hit the news media this past week in our fair city.  For toppers, an upset mother made headlines by accusing the police of intimidation for telling all 70 kids they caught they had to take a breathalyzer test or go to jail.  The irate mother stated that that is a bold-faced lie, and that the police officers involved therefor used coercion in order to attempt to persuade her son into taking the test.  Little Johnny apparently held his ground and was one of three who refused to take the test, which didn’t set we’ll with the men in blue, and they got all testy I guess and handcuffed the three rabble-rousers.  Apparently this was an indignity Mom was not willing to let Johnny suffer through in silence, and thus decided to voice her displeasure via the news media and letters of complaint to any city official she thought worthy of a postage stamp.  She magnanimously admitted it was acceptable for the police to lecture the kids, but declared boundaries were exceeded when they corralled the entire reveling group of 70 in the basement of the home and got all pushy with the breathalyzer instruction.  Only a public apology from the police and mayor’s departments will appease her vexation.  Now I don’t profess to know what is true here, or whether Mom has her facts straight.  However, you would have to guess she is familiar with the law as it applies in such a situation.  After all, Johnny seemed to be well tutored in the proper way to handle himself should this very circumstance arise, and from all reports publicly available you would have to guess the person doing the tutoring was dear old Mom. It could be said, however, that perhaps Johnny needs a bit more tutoring in practical math- permutations and probability would be a good start.  Not sure how well Johnny will be doing on his SAT’s if he’s figuring 70 teenagers in one house won’t set off some very high-flying red flags of alarm in the neighborhood.

If you ask me the person really in need of a lecture and tutoring is this mother.  Mom, while Johnny is living at home, you should probably have better awareness of teenage drinking.  It’s part of your responsibly.  If you pay attention and give the kid some solid advice about drinking, maybe when he goes off to college or is otherwise living more independently and out of reach of your over-protective nature, he will be able to know how to extract himself from dangerous social behavior.   Not much is different now than 20 years ago when my two kids were going to high school. Dads and moms all over the country still choose to ignore the prevalence of underage drinking.  “Bad choices” seems to be a favorite term used to gloss over the problem.  The fact is these bad choices teens make are often times so ridiculously stupid any parent cognizant of their child’s activity and swirling peer conversation might easily suspect their upcoming Saturday evening’s agenda involves a smorgasbord of bad choices.  My wife and I pulled one of our teen aged children out of one of these drinking free for alls, and if we suspected alcohol was involved in their week end socializing we sat them down when they got home and performed our own breathalyzing and sobriety testing routine with the very accurate instruments God supplied us with on our faces.  Mom, your confrontation should be with your son, not the police.  Be prepared for push back and know how to handle it.  Grow some balls before one of the “bad choices” your son makes ends up being of the tragically ultimate type.