Monthly Archives: February 2024

Some Horseshit, A Long Shot, and Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’

Let’s see.  What’s there to be pissed about today.  Of course there isn’t a day that goes by without a Trump complaint.  I appologize.  I’m always dipping into that well.  It’s just so full and deep though.  Now he’s comparing himself to Navalny.  On one hand you have the Russian dissident who courageously returned to his country knowing full well he would be jailed after a sham trial,  only to be poisoned and die in prison.  And on the other you have a guy who has been convicted of sexual assault and fraud, has been indicted for 91 more crimes, and has utilized every  opportunity available to exploit our very democratic system of judicial due process.  Although half the county would like to see him in jail, he isn’t yet and likely he never will be.  Even though a court ruling has exposed his supposed business brilliance  as  fraud, very much unlike Navalny, he will have afforded to him the protection of America’s constitutional do-over- our appellate courts.  There Trump has, with decent legal representation, a reasonable chance his millions in penalties will at least be reduced.

Then you have Trump’s new grift, the one that lacks his usual originality.  It’s that black faux credit card thing,  This time it apparently is metal, and black.  As is the case with his first one, which I think is plastic, no one has any idea what it is good for.  At least you could probably scrape ice off your windshield with the first one.  Metal might scratch your glass.*

We also have the House impeachment proceedings entertaining us right now.  Come on guys!  You’re supposed to get  your shit in order BEFORE you put on your show.  After the Smirnov fiasco, the doubters are suggesting you give up the chase.  I know you are nothing if not persistent though.  Bengazi comes to mind.  Don’t you have something better to waste your time on?  Personally I don’t care.  Go ahead and keep plodding away if you really think Biden is corrupt.  The thing that really bothers me with this whole Smirnov debacle is the Fox News contribution.  That outlet mentioned the document involving Smirnov’s fictitious testimony endlessly for the past year.  Hannity probably dwelled on it a hundred  times.  But you think the channel will post any kind of an apology?  No sir, they wont mention a thing, and thus a third of the country won’t know anything about the latest duping of the GOP.  So go ahead.  Keep on with your investigation or whatever you call it.  For a change, however, you might want to be a bit more thorough with your  source verification, and keep in mind if you don’t and your witness is another backfire, you not only look once more like boobs but also chillingly complicit in Russian conspiratorial election interference.

OK. Those things are aggravating to me.  But  right now, in the present, what really pisses me off has to do with our incongruous gun laws and gun culture, specifically as related to recent disclosure of what went on during the victory celebration for the Kansas City Chiefs. From the initial general reporting you can figure Missouri has some of the less restictive gun laws in the country.  Twenty three people hit by gunfire, with one death.  I honestly don’t know the specific gun laws of Missouri.  My guess would be they must pretty much entail a vigilante’s wet dream- open carry, or concealed carry,  permitless, no training.  But what really struck me was something that was mentioned in an article I read yesterday.  According to the aritcle, almost immediately after the shootings, the Missouri legislature passed a law banning “celebratory gunfire in the cities.”  Well, that is encouraging.  But wait, what?  So, previous to passing this bill, they thought  it was a good idea to allow a large gathering of pistol packing morons to simultaneously  just blaze away at the clouds hovering above?  And I wonder, was it possible to join in the rauccous revelry with an assult rifle in Kansas City?  That was like, normal?  The worst case fears of anyone having sensible reflection of what can happen in an environment combining gun powder and testosterone  just transpired in Kansas City.  Investigators still don’t know how may people were carrying how many guns that fired how many bullets.  They know 23 people were hit.  How only one perished is an absolute miracle.

Damn I hope our legislature is paying attention. Nebraska law makers recently jettisoned the state backwards into 19th century Dodge City and Tombstone.  Worth mentioning: The trigger that triggered all the nervous trigger fingers into action in KC was the simple fact that one of the shooters didn’t approve of the way someone in the crowd was looking at him.  Referendum anyone?

*for more Trump grifting awareness, see my blog article “The Big Pimp”





The Big Pimp

This is new.  Melania is center stage in Trump’s latest grift, as well as his primo defense in the upcoming hush money case.  On Valentines day half of America got a bazaar fundraising message wherein Trump sought to demonstrate the depth of his love for his third wife Melania by refering to his lengthy list of criminal charges. If you want to see it just do the google thing.  Then you can click, and for a variety of suggested dollar amounts you can also send your love to Melania.  Say it with cash.  It’s the Trump way.

Not only is Trump counting on Melania  to provide him with some quick cash, but she is basically his entire defense in the upcoming New York  hush money suit.  Extracting himself from that predicament will require his attorneys to fancy talk a jury into believing that in paying off a porn star, he was only trying to keep Melania from finding out what a dick he is, rather than criminally falsifying business records.  Seems like a hard pull.  I mean, Trump might have snowed Melania with an eye-blindingly garish life style for a little while, but even she probably figured out what a mysogynistic superficial turd he his after living with him for a couple years.  OK.  A couple months. Um, weeks?  Chances are pretty good a jury will figure that out within two hours. Besides college basketball madness in March this year, the Political Entertaiment Champion of the World could very well provide us with some lingual gymnastices the likes of which we have never seen.


KC Chiefs Now 36 Point Super Bowl Favorite

Whatever the outcome of the actual game, Super Bowl LVIII will in all likelihood set an historic record for the largest point spread shift to ever transpire.  Las Vegas initially installed the San Francisco 49ers as 3 point favorites immediately after the NFL  conference championship games were completed.  But over the past two days an unprecedented surge in bets on the Chiefs has created such bookmaking turbulence that the linemakers now have Kansas City listed as a 36 point favorite.

Sammy “the Snake” Giardono, linemaker at Sin City Casino, attributes the KC betting torrent to Vivek Ramaswamy.  The former Republican presidential candidate floated the bizarre conspiracy theory that some mysterious power wants the Chiefs to win the game because the pop star Taylor Swift is dating KC tight end Travis Kelsey.  According to Ramaswamy, Ms. Swift will get a profile boost from the rigged game and then use the notoriety to endorse President Biden.  “That nut job says that stuff, its gets airtime all over Fox News, and suddenly everyone believes it.  I know this is a huge line, unheard of, the biggest in NFL history, but the money just keeps popping on the Chiefs.  It could hit 50 by game time. Who knows,” Giardono stated with subtle, but noticeable, blithesome disbelief. I Didn’t Make This Up

In canvasing Los Vegas bookmakers, they all reacted similarly.   The term universally coined for their anticipated big payday is the “swamy wamy.”

Swollen Crowd Waiting to Place Chief’s Bet