Monthly Archives: May 2020

In Case You Missed It

Hey there!  Just in case you missed it, there have been some recent going’s on you might find enlightening, concerning, agitating, disturbing, or just pick your go-to adjective you find most useful whenever you hear about any manner of dumbfounding activity by the President of the United States.

Another law suit is moving forward. Defendants in this one involve everyone in the Trump clan.  FAMILY FUN

Two more inspectors general bite the dust- Number Four and Number Five

Trump Organization is petitioning Ireland and Scotland for bail out money Better Than Deutsche Bank

Hydroxychloroquin.  Is he or isn’t he?  Hmm.  On the one hand, he is a paranoic germaphobe.  Is the condition so bad a licensed medical practitioner would actually go ahead and prescribe it to pacify him?  On the other hand, extrapolating his fear of getting sick to include dying from heart failure, would he really take that chance?  I think he would rather have others take the risk and then lay back and see how it all turns out.  Unless increased libido or penis size is a listed side effect, I doubt if he is really taking it.

Prepping for his trip to a Ford plant in Michigan, Trump, for the umpteenth time over a four year period, claims at some point in the past he was designated as “Michigan Man of the Year.”  No such award was ever presented.  Why does this goof ball keeping doing shit like this?

Now we have the battle over wearing face masks on the front lines in our culture war.  WTF! Man Defends Right to Infect Others

Hey, fella.  I know not being able to display your average looking face is something that might be considered an infringement of your freedom, (for the record the women in my family judge your look to be a bit below average and believe a mask might improve things) and you apparently feel you are not among those the president considers expendable, but you are not thinking this through.  You strike me as a guy who really likes football.  Though I am guessing I am twice your age and you would consider me expendable, I like football too.  I mean, I really really like it.  And if we have a surge of this virus here and there before September, schools won’t be open.  And if schools won’t be open, guess what- NO FOOTBALL!  What is your hang up with face masks?  Trust me, no one will think you’re less of a man.  Lots of tough guys wear face masks- astronauts, Bat Man, and…FOOTBALL PLAYERS! One important thing we all can do to improve the long odds that schools will be able to open and you and I can then sit in front of our televisions and watch 10 straight hours of football is- WEAR A F*****G Mask your stupid SOB!

Trump’s impeachment trial centered around the idea of quid pro quo.  During the trial, Fiona Hill hypothetically argued that if the president withheld aid to a U.S. state for a political favor, the outrage would be monumental.  Trump, last week, threatened to withhold federal funding from Nevada and Michigan unless their governors reversed their decisions to implement voting by mail.  And Michigan is dealing with a catastophic flood. He threatened to move the GOP convention out of Charlotte if the North Carolina governor doesn’t allow full capacity in the  arena.  Where’s the outrage?  Sadly I think the answer might be we have become a nation of complacent bitches, numbed by kleptocracy and an overwhelming sense of powerlessness.

As this country’s covid-19 death toll approaches 100K,  it is becomeing alarmingly evident that lack of  presidential leadership is dangerous. So Long Expendables!   In normal circumsatnaces, life works out pretty well for you when you can afford to disregard knowlege, claim ignorance, and shirk responsibility.  But payback for that method of governance is hell in the face of a calamitous event.  Like, for instance, the pandemic we are facing right now. Guess who’s paying for it?




AG Barr Weighs in on Liberty Restrictions and Presidential Criticism

Impressed with the results Attorney General Barr achieved in dismissing charges against former national security advisor Michael Flynn, President Trump instructed him to see what he could do to assure the country that his plan of looking like he is doing something is just the ticket to move the country forward.  Grateful to be of service in any way, the AG eagerly sat down with Fox News and explained some nuances of the president’s pandemic policy of torpid minimalism. .

Mr. Barr mentioned that places like South Korea and Germany hardly put any effort into looking like they are doing something.  “Well, you know some countries have these low numbers of cases and deaths but look at us.  With all the big numbers in our country, it is clear the president is out there doing his absolute best to look like he’s doing something.”

The AG went on to say any criticism of the president should be redirected to President Obama, and reminded everyone that  President Trump is the current president and therefore has immunity from all things bad.  “As you know a former president does not have that protection and therefore it is only logical to conclude that President Obama got us into this mess.”

It was pointed out to the AG that when the president actually tried to do something it seemed to confuse the American public- like establishing defined guidlines and then immediatley encouraging people to ignore them.  Mr. Barr suggested that if you do the math, that is all in keeping with the presidents policy.  “You establish something positive, and then you take it away with something negative, that equals zero.  Same thing.  I will say I have mentioned to the president it would probably be best if he kept it simple and stay away from injecting details.  In this crisis, it’s important that we all help  this president stay focused on looking like he is doing something.”

In a related matter, since the AG had previously stated he would be keeping a watchful eye on any shifty restriction of constitutional freedoms,  he was asked how he felt about people flagrantly disregarding face masking and intimidating public servants with assault rifles and waving confederate flags.  “Not everyone who doesn’t wear a face mask is an inconsiderate asshole, and not everyone threatening you with a firearm or waving a confederate flag is a hyper-insecure racist douchbag.  Basic liberties are involved.  It’s my opinion that people should be free to die and introduce anyone around them to illness and death. After all, death is the ultimae freedom”.

In a closing statement, Mr. Barr said remindfully, “You can all sleep well tonight knowing your president is out there doing everythng he can to look like he is doing something.”