Category Archives: Religion

Trump Confident His Christian Values Will Inspire Others

Fresh off the roaring success of his address to the attendees of the March for Life protest at the National Mall last month, it has emerged President Trump is exploring the possibility of expanding his outreach to any religiously affiliated group interested in receiving the enlightenment of his rich, moral conviction.  Presidential aides have recently contacted a number of Catholic organizations and evangelical leaders to gauge their interest in hearing the president speak about any of his deeply held spiritual beliefs.  Presidential aides are promoting a varied menu of topics to consider, like “The Sanctity of Marriage,” and “Do Unto Others- The Importance of Mutual Respect and Humility in Our Daily Lives.”

Spokesperson Kellyanne Conway mentioned a joint family venture is in the works.  “America is naturally interested in knowing more about the president’s well documented concern for the underprivileged  and the impact this admirable attribute has had on his children,” Ms. Conway stated.  She went on to mention Ivanka and Donald Jr. had just recently conferenced with a council of U.S. Catholic bishops and were very pleased with the enthusiastic response they received for a project they call “Giving Back: Tips on Conducting a Charitable Foundation.”

“Religious communities across the county have embraced President Trump because they all know what a righteous and caring person he is,” Ms. Conway explained. “His profound faith guides his every action and his grace is on display every day.  If people want an example of how to live a rewarding Christian life, look no further than the god-fearing man occupying the White House”.

Let’s Make a Deal


Why Bad Things Happen to Good People and Other Christmas Thoughts

The other day some dirty bastard stole the lid off my garbage can. Damn it that pisses me off.  It was the lid to my super good can too, one of those that Rubbermaid makes appropriately labeled “Brute.”  That thing is indestructible.  It’s my secondary can though because it’s a little heavy.  Our primary can is constructed of light gauge plastic.  It can’t take the pummeling from my garbage men like the Brute can, but it’s easier to take to the curb.  Not that I need that accommodation.  It’s a consideration I have for my wife.  I’m not a dick and make my wife haul out the garbage cans.   I always do that.  Sometimes she tries to look busy by fiddle-farting around with the recyclables, but I’m the one that does the heavy lifting.  But I worry that someday I won’t make it back from my mountain hike after a boulder pins my arm against the side of the narrow canyon I was walking through, and she’ll have to move the trash cans around.  I like to think ahead.

So I had to set both trash cans out for pick up because we had extra garbage that week.  There is a 50 pound limit per can, and if you overshoot, the garbage collectors can tell real quick.  It comes natural after you lift something heavy on a regular basis.  Then they take it out on your garbage can and fuck it up real good.  I bought one of those fancy cans with wheels once.  Not a month went by when one of the traveling sanitation experts gave it a good toss and shattered a wheel.  That kind of pissed me off because I had taken some extra time to re-distribute some really stinky garbage between the two cans so neither would exceed the 50 pound limit. I suppose the dead squirrel I stuck on top could have set him off.  I probably should have bagged it up and dusted off some of the maggots.  Those make a nice treat for the birds.

Good view of some nice-looking Maggots

Well anyway I walked up and down the street, thinking maybe a gust of wind had come up and carried away my lid,  That is not an unnatural occurrence, but such was not the case this time.  I have a neighbor that’s kind of shifty and thought maybe he stole my lid, but that notion turned out to be a dead end.

I don’t need to tell you an unnatural rage was boiling inside of me at the thought of having to spend money on a new heavy duty trash can when all I needed was a new lid.  I got a little depressed and started thinking what a shitty deal that was and how fucked up the world is.  My mind began to wander into dark places.  I started to imagine all the cruel ways I could get even with the scummy son of a bitch that stole my trash can lid if I ever caught him.  My favorite involved a butane torch and a high torque electric drill.  I even waxed philosophic, pondering that great existential question “Why do bad things happen to good people?”   Most everyone in my neighborhood think I’m a pretty decent guy. OK there was that one time I told my neighbor on the back side of my fence to go fuck himself.  But who wouldn’t be upset when someone sprays weed killer that drifts over to your property and kills all your garden radishes.  In the end he saw I was right and apologized, so I’m pretty sure even he would agree anyone who steels a thrash can lid is a smelly piece of shit.

So I thought real hard about why bad things happen to good people, and it really didn’t take me long to figure that out.  The reason bad things happen to good people is there are too many assholes walking around that do bad things like steal your trash can lid.  The sooner we get rid of them the better.  Problem solved.

I didn’t recall ever seeing lids sold separately anywhere, but I was confident if such a thing was available it would be at my favorite hardware store.  It’s a Westlake Ace store about a mile from my house.  You may have read about it in Plumbing and Stuff.  Neither the owner, Mr. Jimmy, or Roxy, the most helpful hardware store employee ever, was there, so I had to settle for Fred and it turned out they were out of Brute trash cans but he was not aware that the lids were sold separately anyway.  Well naturally that just enforced my thinking about all the injustice in the world and I headed off to Home Depot and then Sears because they  were right on my way to my favorite liquor store.

Both of those places had Brutes, but they wouldn’t sell me a lid separately.  They cited their one can /one lid policy and it had to do with inventory control and their precious scanning guns and all that shit I really didn’t want to hear about.  Well I was just getting more worked up about the whole thing after that.  Lowe’s was right on my way home so just for the heck of it I stopped in.  Plenty of Brutes and lids there of course, but there weren’t any bar codes on the lids so I was pretty sure I was out of luck.  But I ran into Roger, or rather he ran into me with the forklift he was driving.  I guess you could say it was my fault since I snuck under the “Isle Closed” tape that spanned that isle, but god damn it I get tired of that.  Every time I go to Lowe’s they’re dicking around right in the place I need to get to.

Roger jumped off his fork lift and said he was real sorry and all that.  He had run over my foot, and it really did kind of hurt, but I was pretty much concentrating on my lid problem right then.  I explained how shitty my day was going, so he shuffled through the Brute lids and because there was no bar code on any of them, at first he said there wasn’t anything he could do.  But then after he noticed me limping around he had a change of heart and told me to just take one.  He even escorted me to the exit door.  Do you believe it?  Didn’t cost me a dime!  I don’t have a picture of Roger but he looks something like this, only he had clothes on at the time and isn’t this white.

Roger Driving His Fork Lift

But on the way home I was struck by the second half of that existential equation- “Why do good things happen to bad people?”  Obviously what had happened to me at Lowe’s was definitely a really good thing.  The odds of running into a clerk that is remotely helpful,  let alone a nice guy, are slim in the first place.  But a nice guy that is willing to go the extra mile and risk unemployment just to make me happy?  Those are long odds my friend.  So was I a bad person because something good had happened to me?  As I have pointed out there is a variety of corroborators  who will vouch for me if I slip them a Hamilton.  I have always believed I am a good person, but suddenly I was doubting myself.

By the time I got home I had that conundrum all  tidied up.  The guy that gave me my trash can lid ran over my foot too. I think I’ll lose a nail.  So good to bad- that was a wash, and then of course there was the really bad deal of the stolen trash can lid that started this whole thing.  Like always, if I think on something long enough it starts to make sense.  That was two bad things to one good thing. That is pretty much the exact ratio of how things work out for me.  If you do that math right, you have to conclude I’m nothing short of a good person.

A lot of us get this whole business of good and bad happening in the world all complicated by throwing God into the mix.  But for that you have to believe there is such a thing, and if you take a look around you have to wonder about that.  A lot of bad shit happens, and it’s not just an occasional circumstance.  Right now we have Aleppo and ISIS and suicide bombings, and plane crashes, earthquakes, tornadoes and floods have been going on forever.   That’s lots of bad stuff and some of it I guess you could blame on God if He is actually up there somewhere. Or you can go the other way and say all this horrific shit just proves there is no God.  You can hardly blame a fellow if he thinks that’s a bunch of bull.  Personally if I were God I’d run things a little differently.  What is troubling is a lot of what’s bad is carried out in the name of someone’s god. That is totally fucked up.

I think what you have to do is carry on the best you can and throw in a helpful hand now and then.  My plan is to play it safe and not bet against Pascal’s Wager, and then die and see what happens.  Or not.  And if there truly is a reward that awaits, I’m not so much interested in whether its a place where we get to live it up all day drinking single malt scotch or simply experience peaceful bliss floating around on the clouds.  I just want to be there and make sure the slimy shit ball that stole my trash can lid gets the fiery compensation he deserves.  Merry Christmas!














Pope Francis

I have to admit when it comes to practicing my Catholic faith I am kind of in only half way.  The faith part is something I subscribe to, but over the years my beliefs in a lot of Catholic dogma have hit a wall.  But I would have to suspect anyone, maybe even a few people with a heathenish bend, had to be impressed with Pope Francis’s sincere, pious demeanor and words of wisdom he offered during his visit to the United States.  It had to make any Catholic, practicing or not, extremely proud.  I for one was surprisingly inspired, to the point I feel the need to blog about it and I’m not exactly sure why.  I am sort of out of my element when it comes to anything in the realm of religion and in my hands I know this topic will approach tedium.  Feel free to escape out at anytime.  But I would think the majority of people who listened at length to any of the Pope’s speeches had to be moved in some similar way.

The basic message of the hour long address to congress was let’s learn to get along with each other, help each other out while we are at it, and understand, accept and tolerate our differences.   The words “hope, healing, peace and courage” were ones he linked together early in his speech, my guess is to identify what he hoped his later words would project and resonate as he spoke.  It was a “Do unto others” speech, and everything he spoke about basically circled back to that biblical precept.

Most recent popes have expressed the same principles in some fashion, though maybe not as thoroughly and eloquently.  They are typical principles of most traditional religions.  That’s why I have such a hard time getting my head around Islam.  I know the majority of Muslims are decent people, and I am pretty sure that religion in no way advocates terrorism.  But even considering the Sunni-Shiite factionalism,  I don’t get how their religious leaders can continue to sit idly by while the Muslim world disintegrates, or even to espouse  vehemently hateful positions towards other people.  Maybe I’ve missed something lately, but the only words spoken by an ayatollah that make the news seem to be those promoting death and destruction to quite a big swath of fellow human beings.  These are religious leaders for Pete’s sake.  They should have a visible presence that encourages conciliation.   I know many religions have had their crusades in the past, but come on!  It’s the 21st century.  If the retracting Muslim world ever wants to progress, their laws and institutions will need a serious upgrade to become more inclusive.   And that starts with ideas that conform more to modern thought and practices, and avert those that proliferate hate with antiquated, vitriolic rhetoric.

It seems apparent that Islam is a religion that incorporates matters of the state into its beliefs much more than other religions.  And from what I understand, many of islam’s strict rules it’s clerics espouse stress the importance of maintaining their staid traditions, one of which I think is to lead a life free from  modern secular trappings.  I say nothing wrong with that.  Basically I hate computers and cell phones and my best days are spent in contemplation and reflection.  OK.  And watching football.  You got me.  Back off!  It’s not like I’m going to convert or anything.  But most institutions, even religious ones, have tweaked their traditions to conform with changing times.  Look at the Catholic Church.  Surely there have to be some Islamic clerics that could speak out against the outrageous inhumanity of terrorists who at the very least identify with their religion.  I realize the risk involved.  No doubt there is a good possibility such a cleric could become targeted.  I imagine that is one of the things Pope Francis thought about when he included the word “courage” in the introductory part of his message to congress.

I can’t claim I know much about Islam.  Heck, Iv’e lost tract of many of the rules and regs of my own religion.   I am however relatively positive that beheading innocent people in the name of religion is a damnable act in all religions in our current civilized world.  And I could be wrong, but I have to believe most progressive Islamic clerics, if there is such a thing,  would agree with that.  Like I said, most Muslims are decent, God fearing people.  But Islam’s leaders need to speak up if you ask me, like Pope Francis does.  Not doing so, or even worse, using religion to promote views for self interest or material gain, is hypocritical,  medieval thinking.  If religion is such a big deal in a culture, it’s leaders should step up and motivate those that practice their particular faith to practice it in a manner that reflects true religious sentiments- especially that sentiment about “Doing unto others.”  Then maybe, if religion is truly a big deal, we will all learn to get along with each other.



Why do we do this to ourselves?

In no way will I claim to be an expert on foreign affairs, but along with many others, I will claim to be the authoritative non-expert on the subject.  I just can’t help but get agitated whenever my impatient channel-surfing  rewards me with a reminder of what a total cluster-fuck the Middle East is right now.  The only time the chaos in that sweaty part of our planet affects me directly is when I have to fly somewhere.  My obsessive apprehension about an Islamic terrorist, or violent extremist, or whatever you want to call them, slipping past the TSA is admittedly a little over the top.  But have you given some thought to the possibility of someone jamming a plastic pipe bomb up their ass?  I have, and now I can’t get it out of my mind.  I am constantly surveying passenger’s butts.  It used to be just the hot babes, but now it’s everybody.  If you notice me doing this, trust me I’m not interested, no matter what gender you are.  It’s merely a private security thing with me.  I am ever alert to anyone suspiciously shuffling along like they have a Hershey bar up their ass and don’t want it to melt.  That’s the tip-off.  Look for that.  Go ahead and implement this trick in your own surveillance protocol.  Glad I could help

Sorry.  I got off topic a bit. Here’s the thing.  We have no business kicking sand in the faces of all these people choosing to live where there is nothing but sand.  It’s their sand.  Just leave it alone.  And I have two handy charts to show you exactly what happens when for some ridiculous reason we decide we want to be the big macho guy on the beach.  Chart Number One below is self explanatory.

Chart Number One

Chart Number One

As you can see it is not quite logical, but it is, as I say, self explanatory.  There were people in very high decision-making positions of power in this country that decided they wanted to make the above decisions (blue lines).  Now I suppose under normal circumstances, or at least how we used to perceive normal circumstances, we might have gotten away with this.  There were a couple of really big wars where this kind of thinking worked out ok.  But in those situations we were dealing with people that in general we understood.  Brits, Germans, Italians, Poles, Dutch, Spanish.  Lots of Europeans.  And Russians.  Those guys were involved too.  But we could figure  those people out, know who was friend or foe.  We already had a bunch of the secret stuff about them knocked out because there were a lot of these people wandering around in our own back yard to help us out.  Of course there were the Japanese.  We didn’t know a whole lot about them but they made the mistake of kicking sand in our faces so we went to work and bombed the holy shit out of them.  Payback can be hell.  But then the next thing you know hubris got the best of us and we got all full of ourselves and our bombs and pretty soon what happened is we got a bunch of old farts doing a lot of saber-rattling who couldn’t seem to control their hegemonic personalities and we ended up in a war with people who’s culture we had no clue about.  A war with the North Vietnamese was supposed to stop Communism in it’s tracts.  If we had just waited it out, most truly communistic countries, we would find, impaled themselves on their own swords.

You would think we would have learned something from this, but instead, due in large part to those decisions made in Chart Number One, what we have now is what you see in Chart Number Two shown here.

Chart Number Two

Chart Number Two

Good luck figuring this out.  Those in charge in our part of the world have tried to accomplish that, with absolutely no success.  Teddy Roosevelt said that the most important single ingredient in the formula for success is knowing how to get along with people.  Until the majority of the population in this part of the world figure that out, it seems pointless to waste our resources there.

Interestingly, the second chart is how I feel about Facebook.  It’s just too confusing to me. The only reason I enrolled was to try and pump up my forthcoming book that I’m never going to publish.  People just keep showing up out of nowhere.  Who in the hell is Pete Shimonitz?  I think that prick hacked into my computer.  There’s something fishy going on.  Of course there are a lot of folks that don’t like me, so it could be any one of a number of people messing with me.  Get out of my computer you fucking asshole!