Monthly Archives: June 2018

Nancy Pelosi to Host Afternoon Tea for Local MS-13 Chapter

In an apparent effort to broaden the base of the Democratic party, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced yesterday that she will organize a cordial get together with her local chapter of MS-13 when the House of Representatives adjourns for the summer recess in August.  As reported only by Fox News, the event is part of her plan to welcome the group and make sure they all feel right at home in their new country.  Commenting on this morning’s Fox and Friends program,  former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee gave his analysis and  proper perspective of the breaking story.   Of particular interest, he stated that his sources advised him that one of the primary reasons for the gathering is to keep the leaders of MS-13 informed of the progress the Democrats are having advancing  their infrastructure bill.

The governor pointed out that the Democrat’s version of the bill includes a specific demand for a high speed rail system that will run from Guatemala and terminate in the minority leader’s home state of California.  The train will be designed  for the exclusive transportation and comfort of Mexican and Central American gang members.   It is his belief Ms. Pelosi wants to find out what travel accommodations gang members typically prefer.  After a short discussion about crime statistics and the marginal nutritional value of tacos, the governor went on to list a number of dire warnings, none more chilling than the following: “I want to make clear I am not singling out gang members.  I’m talking about all of them, all the different-looking, foreign speaking non-Christians- they all pose an imminent danger to the United States.  If we don’t stop letting them into our country, believe me we risk being completely overrun by roving packs of lawless democrats.”

ABOVE: Prototype of Bullet Train that Democrats Hope to Feature on Their Proposed Gang Member Transportation Line


*as in eternal life- if you are fortunate enough to be so granted

Lessens from the DMV

Yesterday I took a drive out to one of our city’s Department of Motor Vehicles offices to renew my drivers license, and I have some information for you.  The last time I applied it was simple because I was able to do it online.  Unfortunately  in my home state I can no longer do that since I am over 70 years old, plus even if I was younger, residents are only allowed to do the online thing once every 10 years.  Because of homeland security protocol, going to your DMV to renew your license in person is not so simple anymore.  You need to prove who you are and where you live and of course it’s kind of a tedious procedure.

Good news, for me anyway.  If you are prepared and present proper documentation you will have your new license in under an hour. I found this particular DMV office to be remarkably efficient.  It was crazy busy, but well staffed and organized.

You might want to know something else.  You can change your political affiliation while you’re renewing your license.  That’s handy if you’re like me and have been too lazy for the past 20 years to do anything about removing the stain of “Republican” from your voting record.  But to be honest I’m not exactly enamored with the Democratic party either.  And nothing could point out how disenchanted I am with our two party system than what has been unfolding along the U.S-Mexico border.

Immigration reform has been batted back and forth and kicked down the road by both parties for so long I doubt if you could find a better example of the incompetence and impotency of our democratic form of government.  Band-aid immigration policies have been piled on top of each other  until it is almost unconscionable to call any of it policy.  And then Trump came along with his typical lack of forethought and turned a conglomeration of pudding policies into a mind-boggling disaster, one so egregious the never apologizing president found himself basically doing just that with the theatrical signing of an executive order on national television.  Policy Nightmare

Trump should be held accountable for his own incompetence.  And using children to promote deterrence and as political pawns to advance policy is absolutely heartless.  That’s the
kind of man he is though.  But there is plenty of blame to go around.  Ultimately, congress can fix this and they must.   We elected them to do the hard work of governing, not sit around with their thumbs up their asses and getting nothing accomplish except fruitless bickering.

We need serious immigration reform.  And to me that starts with our ports of entry.  We have 48 of them along our border with Mexico.  But for some reason for those seeking asylum through  these official places it is pretty much a fool’s errand.  Recent reporting during this Trump fiasco revealed that migrants are being processed at a rate that seems  incomprehensible-  barely one a day.  No wonder so many attempt to cross illegally.  These are desperate human beings.  They give themselves up at the border hoping for asylum because they can’t cross legally.  Geezes take a page from the DMV’s in Omaha. Get people trained and staff these places and then- do your job!

Even with that process breaking down, there are some other things that can be done.  Rethink Immigrant Detention.  And no doubt we have to get more judges in place to conduct deportation hearings.  There are ways to fix the migrant mess.  Hell, I would even be in favor of Trump’s gigantic wall- if Mexico pays for it.  Otherwise all it is is a colossal waste of  tax revenue.  Have you seen the aerial video of the border?  Certainly there are better and more financially feasible ways to deal with the problem.  The people who are supposed to be figuring that out are in Washington DC doing little except polishing their chairs with their asses.  Get to work and do your job!

In closing, kudos to the Omaha DMV on North 108 St.  I was very impressed with your efficiency, and thanks to your intake form I am now happily ensconced in my new political affiliation- registered Independent.

Trump’s New Oh! number is Shocking 3.5

Yesterday the Bureau of Labored Statistics (BLdS)  issued its annual report, and  there were some  interesting  conclusions included that had never before surfaced during any previous study.  One of the figures that has caught the attention of political observers is the “obfuscation” number, or “Oh!” number, as it is commonly called.  As it relates to current politics, the study included only those people who adamantly support the president, and the “Oh!” number is simply the average number of times it takes President Trump to say something before a typical supporter of his believes it.  Somewhat surprisingly that figure turned out to be 3.5.

Until this recent report was issued, most political pundits were under the impression that the president only had to mention something once and his core followers would accept it as dogma.  That the report concludes the official number is over three times  what had previously been assumed is something that caught the White House by surprise.  When asked about the anomaly at a press conference, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders noted that the number 3.5 was an average of the results.  “Believe me the minute the president says something, the really smart people pick it up right away,” said the press secretary.  “Look, I’m not saying all the other people are dumb or anything. There are a number of reasons someone might not catch on as quickly as others.   A lot of folks are old and maybe they might not hear too well.  Maybe they like to check with Sean Hannity before they draw a conclusion.  Look, 3.5 seems like a ridiculously high number to me but the important thing is in the end people know the mainstream media is always lying, and most important of all is that once you become one of the president’s believers you will always be able to understand the truths he speaks of, and the miseries of your life will completely vanish, and when you die you will go straight to heaven.”

BLdS administrator Stanley Grossman did point out that during the survey there was a very consistent finding that tended to skewer the outcome towards the large number.  He called it the “Giulliani Factor.” Grossman stated that when  the survey participants were shown  various pictures of prominent administration spokespersons, those of Rudy Giuliani elicited  a perplexingly  wide range of responses.  Grossman attributes that to the confusion Mr. Guilliani created with some of his statements that completely contradicted the president’s positions.   48% of the survey remarks about Mr. Guilliani were along the lines of “Doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.”  (Interestingly, that was the exact phrase used by 31% of those surveyed).  However, 37 % said something to the effect of “Huh? I’m not sure but I think the president said he always went to Lake Tahoe for a religious retreat, not to meet porn stars, so I’ll check with Fox News for the real story.” The remaining 15% generally asserted that Mr. Giulliani should seriously consider having some dental work done.

Mr. Grossman admitted  that much of the survey was probably taken before Mr. Guilliani had a full grasp of  President Trump’s creative methods  of explaining facts. “It takes courage and someone with a strong stomach to go on national television and claim to believe a typical Trump truth.” Grossman stated.  “But it looks like Mr. Guilliani is finally getting the hang of it, and  it’s  my opinion that by the time our survey is taken next year, the Guilliani factor will be immaterial.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Oh! number pretty close to a perfect 1.Oh!.”




Trump Pleased with New Direction of Witch Hunt

The Mueller investigation isn’t all bad news for President Trump.  In fact, recent disclosures during the past week have caught the attention of the president’s supporters and he has astutely  taken advantage of the situation.  Things started to unexpectedly turn in the president’s favor when two witches who were arrested last week decided to “flip” and spill their guts.  During intense interrogation of the suspects rounded up in what is being labeled as the “witch hunt arm” of the investigation, witches Desdemona Dark and Bovina Dudd  disclosed some startling information.

Both witches more or less confirmed that indeed, as the president suspected, there likely was a spy implanted in the Trump presidential campaign. Though neither of the witches knows for certain if the spy they are referring to is a government agent, both are positive something even more sinister is involved.   They contend that the spy is a male witch.   Known to them only by the name of “Shadow,”  the two women stated they had attended several sorceror conventions and retreats together and at first both judged him to be an upstanding and first rate witch.  As time progressed however, they felt he was “completely out of sorts” and” just not right.”

According to Dark and Dudd, early in the 2016 presidential campaign Mr. Shadow met Kellyanne Conway at a political rally and was immediately attracted to her.  Thinking she had the potential to become his perfect companion in love as well as sorcery, flirtation evolved into fixated infatuation.  Initially spurned by Mrs. Conway, Mr. Shadow pursued her relentlessly.  The day before the Indiana primary in May of 2016, Dudd and Dark were deep in the forrest collecting frogs and newts, when they ran into Mr. Shadow at a favorite bog.  That is when the two female witches become suspicious of Mr. Shadow’s intentions.  He inadvertently revealed that he was looking for a  particular species of serpent’s tongue, and that was an immediate tip-off that he was concocting a spell- binding love potion called a  philtre.  Dark and Dudd became exceedingly alarmed, for philtre’s are strictly forbidden in modern sorcery.

Witches Dark and Dudd at a Recent Fetish Auction 

Attending to their caldron one afternoon a month later, Dark and Dudd’s worst fears were confirmed.  While they were watching a televised news clip of a Trump campaign rally in New Jersey, they both are certain they saw Mr. Shadow and Mrs. Conway holding hands off stage.  Although using a philtre as a means to achieve romantic conquest is what Dunn and Dark found primarily disturbing, what Representative Devin Nunes uncovered is what is politically and criminally relevant.

Upon investigating Mr. Shadow’s background, Congressman Nunes heard from an undisclosed source who heard it from another guy that when Mr. Shadow’s father was a child, he would eat nothing but Post Toasties, a breakfast cereal  which at that time had published on the back side of the box information that enticed the nation’s children to join the “Junior G-Mens club,” an organization created to promote youth law enforcement interest, but was eventually revealed to be a surreptitious tool for future FBI recruitment.  Not only that, Nunes has almost absolute proof that Mr. Shadow himself at one time told a grade-school acquaintance that when he grew up he was going to be an FBI agent- or a fireman.  Nunes is convinced this damning information proves there was an FBI connection.  In light of that and the reported witch misconduct, Nunes is convinced that the regular arm of the Mueller investigation is corrupt and is demanding it’s dissolution.

Shortly after this startling story broke, investigative authorities launched an intensive search for Mr. Shadow, but can find no trace of the mysterious witch.  Though Mrs. Conway stated she knows Mr. Shadow, she regards him as just a casual acquaintance and has denied culpability. She has been asked to take a temporary leave of absence however.

Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Mr. Shadow (pictured at left) is asked to contact their local police department  

Seizing unexpected opportunity, President Trump has been sending a barrage of tweets the past few days, each condemning all those who served in the FBI and/or engaged in witchcraft  during the Obama administration, as well as assuring his dedicated followers that sometimes a witch hunt isn’t so bad.

President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani wasted no time to point out the obvious.  “To paraphrase our great President Lincoln,” Mr. Guilliani stated during his Fox News interview yesterday, “you can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time, but you can never fool our base.  We know what’s going on here and it’s spying.  And a witch spy, well that’s unheard of.  That’s as low as it gets.  Who knows what spells and hexes are floating around now. Sometimes, you know I get these feelings, like I just feel– off.  For no reason.  Could that witch be responsible?  Maybe.  Like whenever I say some of that stupid stuff that makes President Trump look like a Russian lackey or a lecherous whoremonger.  You have to think there is a good chance it’s the work of the witches.  I tell you they are up to no good.”

Related Story: FBI Nabs Coven of Witches