Arizona Ballots Headed to More “Mystery” Sites


Cyber Ninja, the security firm contracted to perform the audit of 2020 election ballots in Arizona that was requested by the state’s Republican Senate, is about to engage in more out of state analysis.  Already facing scrutiny over the reasons and legality of transporting ballots to a secluded cabin in Montana, it has emerged that the company will be sending even more ballots to  locations outside of Arizona.  Although specific details  are still unconfirmed, sites range from an abandoned mine shaft in mountainous  West Virginia where it is rummored an inquisitive band of faerie folk reside, to the impenetrable bayous of Louisiana inhabited by practicing creole sorcerers versed in the conjouring arts.  Because Cyber Ninja’s staff includes a small contingent of people able to communicate intergalactically, it is rumored another possible location for ballot transport is somewhere in Nevada bordering area 51.

Spokesmen for Cyber Ninja say they are confident the company has the resources and contacts to expose any sort of voting shenanigans 

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