Fake News II or What are the Swedes Putting in Those Meatballs?


Well this really pisses me off.  Once again our president says something and the dishonest media gets a cob up its butt over it and makes the man look bad.  Totally unfair.  I’m not sure those Swedes know what’s going on in their own back yard.

Swedes of Every Sort Scatter in Confused Panic over President Trump’s Assertion that Their Country was Attacked by Terrorists.

Fox news was there!  When have you ever known them to get something wrong?  Fake News  God, if you listen to main stream news they make it sound like the president was just nonchalantly channel surfing or something when he saw all that trouble in Sweden that night.  He takes his channel surfing very seriously believe you me.  Between Fox News, Breitbart, and InfoWars who needs those bloated security briefings.  And for your information he quit speed surfing a long time ago- ever since Kellyanne stuck those 4×6 photos of the president in the corners of all the White House television sets.  She’s pretty sharp and realized that whenever he sees himself anywhere on those TV screens he takes extra time to pay attention.  That trick worked so well she had wall to wall mirrors installed in all the White House bathrooms so he could stare at himself while he was backing the brown bus out of the garage.  Not being in such a hurry there mitigated his constipation problem as well as improved his self esteem.  Gotta hand it to that Kellyanne.  Where in the heck has she been lately.  I sure hope she’s OK.

What chaps my ass even more is how the dishonest media keeps harping about the president’s amazing electoral  college victory.   So many times he has politely pointed out what a  record smashing achievement it was, and then you see the press crabbing about it.   It happened again during the president’s first press conference   So typical.  For Pete’s sake how many times does President Trump have to tell these guys how tremendous his landslide win was?  It was huge!  There has never been a public appearance of his that he has not mentioned it.  When will these morons start listening?  He got 306 electoral votes!  There was something fishy about two of those votes, but that just goes to show there’s voter fraud going on.  And then that dick reporter had the gall to nit-pick over some past election results.  Fake News  If the president of the United States says he won by the largest margin since Ronald Reagan, then he won by the largest margin since Ronald Reagan!  End of story!  He was given that information by somebody, so there you go.  Even more importantly, he has seen that information around. What more proof do you want?  You can’t deny somebody and around are impressively credible sources.  The dishonest media should take notes from our president and quit pulling unnamed sources out of their asses.  Further more, take a look at where his win total stands with respect to all presidential elections.  Out of 58 presidential elections, President Trump’s ranks 46th in win margin.  That is almost exactly where he falls numerically in presidential sequence.  That is fucking amazing!

So take heed news media.  Start paying attention to what our president says and report his facts, which are the true facts and best facts you can get.   We are sick and tired of all the fake news you are putting out.  He knows exactly what’s going on and he knows lots of big words that in the past have apparently confused you.  Sad!


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