Puppies or Gift, Graft, and Grift


You’ve all seen it.  That ASPCA commercial, you know, the one that shows video of sad, shivering dogs and some cats staring into the camera with at least one eye that appears to be in serious need of antibiotic intervention.  It is a heartbreaking presentation of animal cruelty and neglect and I would have to guess hits its desired marketing effect, except for one thing.  It sort of overshoots the mark.  It’s nearly impossible to watch the entire thing. It is so gut-wrenching the second it comes on the air my wife immediatly grabs the remote and switches channels. Over the top or not, the need is definite.  Give if you can.

The need is everywhere.  I must get at least four or five charity donation requests daily in the mail now, not to mention the dozens that appear every time I open up my e-mail.  Most of those are political, so now that the election is over part of my daily routine involves  tedious unsubscribing  housekeeping.

I certainly don’t feel left out, but apparently many people other than I recently received a Save America PAC donation request. – Gift, Graft, or Grift.  This is really hard for me to get my head around.  The president of the United States is so determined to retain power he is willing to take a blow torch to democracy and then make use of the chared aftermath to unscouplously cash in on a fire sale.   Even by Trumpian standards this is pretty ballsy.   I’m not totally surprised that there are still millions of people buying into Trump’s lies and conspriacy theories.  That’s what he does and you have to hand it to him, there has not been a world leader so proficent at gas lighting since Hitler and Dolchstoblegende.  The guy sees no shame in wringing every last dollar  out of his bewitched supporters before he exits the door. But wow what a waste of money.  Think of the actual good 170 million could do.

Which brings a thought to mind.  I am unshakable in my core belief in the goodness of humanity, that we can all put our differences aside if we just focus on what is normally decent in society. Love, understanding, compassion.  That’s what we need.  I believe that deep down, if we are presented with a binary choice, we are  wired to select whichever one subconsciously fulfills our essential need to embrace comforting rectitude.  So here’s my challenge. To my way of thinking it poses a fascinating exercise in human psychology.  From the photos pictured below, which one represents the charity you would be more willing to donate to?  Where would you prefer to send your hard earned cash?


Wait. WHAT?  You actually chose the crazy man over the forlorn puppy? Are you shitting me? What the fuck is wrong with you, you stupid son of a bitch?  Sure maybe the dog isn’t house-trained, but does anyone truly know if Trump is?  Come on!  You can’t be fucking serious.  I give up.








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