Some Surprising Honesty from the Republican Party


You have to hand it to Rick Santorum and Brandon Prichard.Too Many Voters and Spilling the Beans .  Like a slippery bout of amebic dysentery, sometimes the truth just can’t be contained.  If the Republican Party continues down the straight and narrow  MAGA path, voter suppression, judicial tampering and flat out obstruction of laws and election outcomes are what we should expect from it.  Santorum and Prichard are speaking the quiet part out loud.  Democracy is just not compatible with the Republican Party as it currently exists.

As appalled as I am about the lack of courage of Republican legislators, no doubt being primaried and even physically threatened for any criticism of Donald Trump is a reality.  But what we heard from Santorum and Prichard is also a reality within the Republican Party.  It is apparent hanging on to party political power, no matter what the cost to the country, is as compelling as individual political and physical survival.   All this voting stuff just isn’t working out for them.  Logically then Republicans aren’t about to criticize Trump for blatantly declaring if he is elected he will lock up his political opponents and shut down any news media company that is critical of him. Putin’s Pupil

Just what does the Republican Party stand for now anyway?  To eliminate the confusion, maybe change the name to the White Christian Nationalist Party.  The Christian part will be a problem for Trump though.  It will be interesting to view the vacillation when he is confronnted with the abortion issue during a direct debate.  The Flat Out Facsist Party might make more sense.

If you’re like me you dial up your state representatives on occasion, tell them  to get their shit together for a change and actually do something.  And as is normally the case, all the complaining never seems to get the job done.  To protect this democracy that the majoriy of us want to hang on to, maybe we should make a concerted effort to initiate more state ballot measures.  Seems like you get somewhere doing that. Let our political representatives clearly understand what the general public really prefers.  And we should get going before Republican state legislators start mucking up the referendum and initiative procedures.  Banning assault weapons, demanding electoral districts be drawn by independent supervisors, even replacing the electoral college with popular vote, are all issues that have a good chance of majority approval at state level.  More on that last one later.





One thought on “Some Surprising Honesty from the Republican Party

  1. Kieran

    Their fascism starts with: “America is a republic not a democracy.’ It’s an excuse to suppress voting, throw out votes, gerrymander districts and create a ruling class out of a minority.


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